A freebie won't help you win five figure clients.

That freebie isn't going to win you a five figure client, sorry sis 🤷‍♀️

If anything, it's going to sit in your downloads folder and you'll forget about it. Then you're on their mailing list, and you might find some value in it. Then, you'll unsubscribe in a few months because they got too salesy.

I've been there, done that.

Trust me when I say that there is every good intention behind freebies and lead magnets. They are a free insight into a large product or service that gives you a little teaser on what to expect, with the hope that you will love it and be compelled to buy it or work with that person.

But, let’s be real. What kind of value can a freebie actually give you? Aside from the value-add of a glimpse into their product or service, it only gives you part of the information, which you then might not be able to implement yourself or need a professional design eye to help you execute. Whatever it is, you’re only get part of the value and it’s not going to help revolutionise or transform your business, your content, your clients — especially not in a shortened time frame.

I've done it. There's freebies up on my website, and while they provide some value, they're not going to transform your business. It's not going to guarantee success or clarity. You won’t magically become an expert. And that might be a hard truth, but it’s one that I learnt the hard way.

I saw a service provider recently claim that their freebie will help you win high paying clients.

Eek, IMO that’s a red flag.

Because how can you reasonably change your messaging, your content, know your ideal audience, etc without doing the strategic work on your business, without trial and error, without the expertise of a designer, a copywriter, a strategist and an epic proposal or pitch.

You need to build trust, work your audience through a funnel, have processes set up to easily convert them.

And usually because you're too close to your own business, you don’t tend to see the issues, the flaws or the weaknesses. Which is why everytime I've actually outsourced and paid someone for their service, the clarity, the alignment, the relief and ultimate success I get back is ten fold.

Stop listening to every marketing guru, business mentor, coach or expert’s freebies out there. Because where the value really is, is in a brand strategy, a consistent visual identity and a mindset so strong nothing can deter you from your goals.

It’s not about freebies, it’s about the investment you actually need to make in your business to take it to the next level, to align your goals and efforts and to create an undeniable brand experience for your audience that helps them become raving brand fans.

Become undeniable — are you in?


Ding Dong: The marketing funnel is dead thanks to Gen Z.


The honest truth: Your brand is boring and no one wants to work with you.